To make a secure online donation, click on "BiN" image below
To use Pay Pal click on the logo below
100% of the funds are used for ministry purposes. However, using Pay Pal is not "tax-deductible," and no receipt is available. Our Pay Pal address isaddress is blessisraelnetwork@gmail.com
If you wish to donate to a ministry we interviewed, please contact them directly
Bless Israel Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry associated with A.C.T. Intl.
Checks should be made out to: "BIN - A.C.T. Intl."
The least expensive way to make a donation to us is to initiate an Automatic Bank Draft, which will automatically withdraw from your bank and deposit into our 501(c)(3) account.
Click on the "Donate" button (at the top of this page). You'll be directed to the page for our 501(c)(3) account. Select the amount of your donation. Under "Recurring" check "monthly." Enter your Donor Information. Select "Automatic Bank Draft."
On this page you can also:
Make a "One-Time" donation
Use a credit card
Mail us a check
For an anonymous donation, checks can be made out to: "BIN."
Please make an "anonymous" notation and you will not receive a receipt.
Mail checks to:
Bless Israel Network
C/O: A.C.T. Intl.
P.O. Box 1649
Brentwood, TN 37024-1649